Tanner Kibble Denton Architects

Bardia, NSW



Structural, civil and stormwater drainage engineering services

Bardia Public School (formerly Ingleburn North Public School) was a $35 million upgrade to a new educational facility to accommodate the projected enrolment growth in and around Edmondson Park and Ingleburn.

The new school is located in one of Sydney’s highest growth areas. It is adjacent to the North West Growth Centre, one of two strategic growth corridors established by NSW Government in the early 2000s to meet housing shortages in and around Sydney.

Our Role

The project involves a complete redevelopment of the existing school to provide:

- 40 teaching spaces

 - Four special education teaching spaces

 - Covered outdoor learning area (COLA)

 - Special programs rooms

 - A new library, hall and canteen

 - Landscaping with a games court and playing field

 - Administration and staff facilities.


3D modelling (BIM) of the roof structure to optimise the structural framing at the interfaces of the various planes ,including “Flat“ roofs over the stairs with the curved roof of the main building

Standardised detailing for the perimeter beams, including reinforcement , to accommodate all the possible edge types conditions i.e. step downs, strip drains, sliding doors, cavity rebates to simplify construction and improve both quality and cost efficiency.

Structural and civil teams worked closely together to minimise retaining walls and folds along the interface between building structure and civil pavement.

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